Acid degreasers for galvanizing plants

Keboclean VZS

Superior Performance Acid Degreaser

Liquid concentrate to mix with water Highly effective at 5-40°C

Kebosol 2000

Acid Degreaser

HCl degreasing additive with low pickling effect, universal

application at 10-40°C

Kebosol ZN

For Fastener Galvanizing

Acid Degreaser

Degreasing additive to mix with HCl at 10-40°C, especiallyfor high tensile parts (according to DSV/GAV regulation for the production of galvanized fasteners) 

Hegaclean AD 113®

Acid Degreaser

Liquid concentrate to mix with water

Highly effective at 10-30°C


Dipl. Ing. Herwig GmbH
Eppenhauser Str. 151
D-58093 Hagen

M info[at]
P +49 (23 31) 9 15 55
F +49 (23 31) 1 55 04

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